
If you haven’t spent much time on self-care, wellness or anti-aging, these “Start” posts will give you foundational practices to begin to incorporate and try out.

30 different plant-based foods per week for gut health

Count to 30 and improve gut health

30 plant-based foods boost the microbiome When i was young, most doctors maintained that what we eat had nothing to do with our health. Amazing, right? Fortunately, those days are long gone and most doctors and scientists recognize, at least…

exercise for your qualities or doshas to get maximum benefit

Exercise the right way for your qualities

The best movement varies by dosha We all know that the benefits of exercise are huge. Years ago a healthcare client i had told me “motion is synonymous with life” and that’s a fact. We need to move a lot…

Neti Pot

Optimize your breathing with a neti pot

Neti pots aren’t a new idea. You fill a small ceramic or stainless spouted pot with warm salt water and pour it through your nostrils. This can really help you breathe easy.

Scrape the Gunk Off Your Tongue

Scrape the gunk off your tongue

In Ayurveda, that coating on your tongue in the morning is important for evaluating your state of wellness. The coating is called ama, which essentially means toxins, and you don’t want to leave it on the tongue.

Warm up your water

Stop stressing your digestion with iced drinks—choose room temp or even better, warm your water up.