About Tara

Hi, I’m Tara. I’m old! LOL. I was born during World War II and as an Army brat I traveled all over the world. Like many of you, I suffered some pretty intense childhood trauma that could have derailed the whole life but, thanks to the Divine Mother, didn’t. John F. Kennedy spoke at my college graduation. I had a starter marriage and then found the love of my life whose been my honey for over 40 years. I discovered yoga way before it was fashionable and took to it like I’d been practicing for lots of lives. Through a busy career in marketing communications, I taught and tried all the main yogas, studying with and meeting some of the world’s greats. Bhakti/Tantra appealed most to my nature, i adopted it as my own and have been practicing ever since.

Meet Tara

I Started a Business and Wrote 65 Books

At the age of 49 — a very significant age mystically — I started my own marketing communications business with good friends who became good partners and I still work in that business today. But when I was 68, I began yearning for a new adventure. People had always told me i should write a book and suddenly I agreed! While i’d always been a writer, i’d never written fiction but, learning as i went, I set out to write my first novel. It was published in 2011 as I was recovering from a bout with endometrial cancer (I’m now happily almost 15 years cancer free). Over the next 11 years, while still working in my thriving marketing business, I created 65 romances that I still offer on Amazon. All through the busy years, the interest in health, wellness and spiritual practice remained at my heart. 

Retirement? As If!

On my 80th birthday, I semi-retired from writing romance novels since I told myself I wanted more free time, but i have tons of Pitta qualities (read about the doshas here) and i can’t resist following my passion. Two weeks later, I entered a two-year course in Divine Feminine Ayurveda from the amazing international Shakti Ayurveda School. While I’m now certified as an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, I’m still studying. It was that experience that prompted me to create How to Become Young.

What “Becoming Young” Means

I’ve always loved the quote you saw on the home page from Pablo Picasso — “It takes a long time to become young”. Interestingly, science backs up that premise. Research shows that people tend to be happiest in the very early and later years of life. But when we’re in our thirties, forties and fifties, it’s hard to believe that, so we worry and stress about getting old. I will tell you that it doesn’t hurt to prepare for those happiest years by maintaining health of body, mind and spirit as best we can, but becoming young is more about a state of joy than having toned thighs or no wrinkles. People ask me how I have so much energy and enthusiasm at 81 and can they learn it too. The answer is yes – in your own way. And that’s what this website is about — sharing things I’ve learned from all the great teachers and mentors I’ve been lucky enough to have throughout my life that have helped make me at 81 the happiest i’ve ever been. I hope we all Become Young.