
Dosha or doshas is the Ayurvedic word used to describe the qualities of the universe, vata (dry, cold, mobile) pitta (hot, fiery, driven) and kapha (slow, juicy, cool).

exercise for your qualities or doshas to get maximum benefit

Exercise the right way for your qualities

The best movement varies by dosha We all know that the benefits of exercise are huge. Years ago a healthcare client i had told me “motion is synonymous with life” and that’s a fact. We need to move a lot…

How much sleep do you need?

Sleep depends on your doshas–and your liver How much sleep do we really need to have and when? The answer in Ayurveda is “it depends”. It depends on our personal qualities, called the doshas. Each of us has a tendency…

Rejuvenate and detoxify with Triphala

Rejuvenate and detoxify with amazing Triphala

Triphala improves digestion and elimination Until i studied Ayurveda, I had never heard of Triphala and yet now i can’t imagine how i lived without it. A traditional and foundational Ayurvedic treatment, Triphala is a potent combination of three fruits,…

Castor oil and rosewater skin care

Castor oil and rosewater skin care

At my age, trust me, i've tried every kind of skin care with varying results, but one of the routines i love most turns out to be a combination of castor oil and rosewater.