Rejuvenate and detoxify with amazing Triphala

Until i studied Ayurveda, I had never heard of Triphala and yet now i can’t imagine how i lived without it. A traditional and foundational Ayurvedic treatment, Triphala is a potent combination of three fruits, Amla, Bibhitaki and Haritaki fruits, that are renowned for their ability to rejuvenate and detoxify at the same time.

Use Triphala correctly

When used correctly, Triphala helps maintain regular elimination, supports a healthy gut microbiome, helps balance healthy digestion and absorption, and both rejuvenates and cleanses tissues. Notice i said “when used correctly”. It’s important to note that the science of Ayurveda is never about “magic pills”. It’s about bringing balance to body, mind and spirit. It’s about living healthily, not a quick fix. So before you try Triphala, I’d recommend following some or all of the steps you see with the Start tag (check Advice and Tips under a Good place to start) such as drinking warm water rather than cold throughout the day, waking up to warm lemon water and other foundational practices. Once you’ve begun balancing your digestive system, Triphala will be a more natural and comfortable step.

How to take Triphala

The traditional way to use Triphala is as a tea, which allows you to taste the fruits, an important factor in Ayurvedic science. That’s also the downside to the tea. To most people who aren’t used to it, the bitter, pungent taste of the Triphala makes drinking the tea anywhere from unpleasant to impossible. My friend and teacher Lisa Marie Rankin insists we can train ourselves to tolerate or even enjoy the taste, but i haven’t been that brave just yet. Thats where Triphala tablets come in. Taking the tablets with warm water allows a bit of the taste, which stimulates the body’s response without being overwhelming.

When to take Triphala

Take Triphala, as tea or tablets, on an empty stomach 8 or so hours before the colon is most active. For most people that will be before bed at night. The problem is that Triphala can have a mild diarrhetic effect, which might cause you to get up to pee, disturbing sleep. You can also take Triphala immediately upon arising. Some people do both.

Take from 1 to 4 tablets. Since my predominant qualities are Vata/Pitta, which means my body loves to shift between constipation and diarrhea, I take one or two tablets before bed depending on how my body is acting at that time. Pay attention to your body! That’s a cardinal rule of Ayurveda.

My preferred source for Triphala and that of most people i know is Banyan Botanicals. You can read much more about Triphala on their website. Definitely start with one or even a half to judge your body’s reaction. Triphala works well for people of all doshas, but gentle introduction and experimentation is the best approach. The cleansing qualities of Triphala can prompt diarrhea, skin rashes, gas or upset stomach, all signs of the release of ama or toxins from the tissues. However, if side effects are severe or persistent, discontinue and check with a practitioner.

How and when do you use Triphala?

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