Lemon water is GOOD—but be wise

A lot has been said on social media about the benefits of lemon water and some people are downing glass after glass a day. But the truth is, all things work best in moderation and with a lot of attention to your own body’s responses. Yes, lemon water does contribute to hydration, stimulates lymph and the liver, but in excess it can be bad for your tooth enamel.  While good for your digestive system, occasionally people might experience heartburn. Pay attention. Here’s what Ayurveda recommends.

First thing in the morning, as part of your Dinacharya, juice about half a lemon in warm water and have it before you consume anything else. Wait half an hour or longer before you drink coffee or eat breakfast. I pour boiling water over my lemon juice and let it sit while I meditate. When I’m done, the water is cool enough to drink. It’s a great thing to sip on a porch while you stare at squirrels. LOL.

The rest of the day, drink plain warm water. Save the lemon for your morning wake-up refresher.

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