Finally! A cure for super-dry, Vata lips

I don’t do a lot of posts on a single product, but when I have a serious problem and it gets handled, it’s amazing and I have to tell the world. I have incredibly dry lips. In Ayurveda, this is often a sign of a person with vata dosha qualities — dry, cold, airy, mobile. My lips were getting so bad that i’d have to cut the loose, dry skin off them. One side of my lower lip was so affected, I’d find myself chewing on it constantly.

I’d tried everything

I had purchased an endless lineup of lip balms. I won’t even mention all the brands. Some did little but soften for a few minutes and then went back to normal, which for me meant dry and peeling. Others seemed to make it worse. When i started studying Ayurveda, i turned to oil. Castor oil, sesame oil, coconut oil – again, it got a little better, but didn’t cure it.

Then i found it

Then one day i walked into a local apothecary shop to buy some herbs. On the counter was a box of lip balms. I noticed not many were left. I picked up a tube — it was cool because it was made of cardboard, not plastic — and tried to read the ingredients in the low light. Something about bees wax. And it said it was organic and all natural, but that’s what they all say. I added one with a vanilla flavor to my purchase. When i got home, i tried it.

Immediate difference

The minute i put it on, i sensed something different. It wasn’t slippery, it was viscous, Sort of thick and creamy. It tasted good, so i used it a couple more times. I noticed i could even put my lipstick over it. In one day, it had tamed the worst of my dryness. The horrible patch of peeling-off skin was at least five times better! Wow. I used it another day and was hooked. I immediately went back for three more tubes and bought the store out.

Try it! It may work for you too.

I’m now a total Poppy and Pout freak. I keep a tube everywhere. I can’t vouch for it on other users, but for me, it’s been amazing. It’s succeeded where everything else failed.

If you want to try it, you can get a single tube here. This is mint, which i’ve never tried, but it’s said to be a favorite. They have lots of other flavors. Here’s a particularly great value — the Oopsie Daisy kit. This is a box of 3 tubes that have slight mistakes in the packaging, like a misprinted word or something. They choose the flavors for you, but you get three for lots less than three would cost individually. Also, HERE is an individual tube of Marshmallow Creme, which is sooo yummy. If you order from my links, I get a small affiliate fee, but i get a small fee on anything i recommend, so the total testimonial is unbiased.

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you so i can share the wisdom.

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