Castor oil and rosewater skin care
At my age, trust me, i've tried every kind of skin care with varying results, but one of the routines i love most turns out to be a combination of castor oil and rosewater.
At my age, trust me, i've tried every kind of skin care with varying results, but one of the routines i love most turns out to be a combination of castor oil and rosewater.
While some stress is good, never truly relaxing is hard on your nervous system. Your nature will reveal your perfect approach to learn to relax
Oil pulling or oil swishing, as the name suggests, involves vigorous swishing of oil in the mouth that can have positive impact on teeth, gums, and even your sinuses.
I can't believe it's taken me 81 years to learn this avocado trick! You can preserve avocados by putting them in cold water!
One of the most important things you'll ever do in your life is meditate. It has physical and spiritual benefits.
Doshas -- Vata, Pitta and Kapha -- may not be what you think. Here are some facts.
Drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morning jump-starts your system.
Does your morning routine enhance your whole day or is it so frenetic that you’re scattered before you even start? In Ayurveda, how you begin the day is so important that doing it well and consciously has a name – Dinacharya.
Neti pots aren’t a new idea. You fill a small ceramic or stainless spouted pot with warm salt water and pour it through your nostrils. This can really help you breathe easy.
In Ayurveda, that coating on your tongue in the morning is important for evaluating your state of wellness. The coating is called ama, which essentially means toxins, and you don’t want to leave it on the tongue.
Think you can’t meditate? “Watch” yourself walking, at the computer, or watching TV.
Breathe through your nose— and hum to reduce your stress.