Totally simple meditation

So many people say they can’t meditate, but it’s really because they’ve tried the wrong type of meditation or they’ve heard the wrong things about it – you know, things like you have to quiet your mind, you have to stop thinking, you need to be into gods and goddesses, etc. But chances are, you’ve heard something about the value of meditation. You know that it helps your heart, your digestion, your longevity, it reduces huge fears like that of death, helps you reduce anxiety and make better decisions and lots more.

Watch yourself

So, try this. You’re on a walk, at your computer, watching TV. Now “watch” yourself doing that activity. Watch yourself walking. Watch yourself at the computer. Watch yourself watching TV. Can you do it? Here’s a hint. It often feels like you’re behind your body observing it doing whatever it’s doing. 

You can try this at literally any moment, maybe even while you’re talking to someone. 

Practice a bit.

Be here now

Being able to do this helps us to “be here now”. We’re not lost in the brain caught up in whatever we’re telling ourselves is the most important thing right now, or swept away by our emotions so that we forget that we actually have choices in our lives.

Remind yourself

Put a couple sticky notes around to remind you to “watch yourself”.

And then…

After you’ve practiced this a bit and get better at it, do this.

Ask yourself, “Who’s watching?”

Tell me what happened in the comments.

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