How to preserve avocados

I can’t believe it’s taken me 81 years to learn this avocado trick!

We all know that the fat in avocados is of the highest quality and super good for us. But, as my hubby is fond of saying, avocados you buy in the store have a half-life of 45 minutes. We get a great buy on a bag of organic avocados at Costco, let them ripen and BAM! We get to eat one while the other three turn into black grunge. Yuk. Plus, we live in Oregon — not exactly the heart of avocado growing region.

The ice water solution

Recently, my business partner and friend who has an avocado tree in her back yard in California (the lucky duck) told me about a tip given to her by her neighbor (who happens to be 89, so i figure she must have had a more informed upbringing that moi. LOL). If you take the avocados when you first get them and then put them in a jar of cold water and store it in the refrigerator, the avocados will come out of the water as fresh as when they went in!

I tried it. It works!

I let my avocados ripen just a bit and was glad i did. In my experiment, they did soften in the water a little but not much. I put 5 avocados in my jar and put it in the refrigerator. I figured this plan had to work well to make it worth all the precious real estate in my fridge that the jar takes. And it did work brilliantly! I got to use every single avocado! First time ever. And i didn’t do it fast. The last of the batch were in the water over a week.

Avocado toast for the win!

You know how avocado toast can be kind of bland? But it is a great way to get a lot of good avocado fat into your body and makes a nourishing breakfast (or lunch or dinner). The oil and fat in the avocado offsets the dryness of the toast — an important factor, especially for Vata Dosha in general and all doshas in the winter. I recently read a simple way to perk up the toast and give it more flavor.

  • Toast really good bread — i use whole wheat sourdough made locally.
  • Add olive oil or ghee to the toast — i use a bit of both
  • Salt the toast — Himalayan pink salt is pretty great
  • Mash ripe avocado on the toast
  • Add sliced cherry tomatoes on top
  • Salt it again
  • Eat. YUM!

It takes no time at all, is delicious and filling. Try both the avocado preservation trick and the preparation and let me know what you think.

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